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Reply to "P.N.C aka A.P.N.U needs to explain refusal to form National Govt in 1960’s"

Originally Posted by Conscience:

PPP wants PNC to explain refusal to form National Govt in 1960’s

March 4, 2015 10:25 am Category: Politics A+ / A-

PPP General Secretary, Clement Rohee (right)

[]– The governing People’s Progressive Party (PPP) is calling on the People’s National Congress (PNC) to explain why it refused to enter into a government of national unity with the PPP during the 1960’s and in the 1970’s.

The PPP in a statement issued on March 03 stated that it was the PNC, now APNU that “spurned all reasonable attempts by the PPP during the 1960s and during the entire period of authoritarian to forge a Government of national Unity on the spurious ground that the PNC was the ‘Bolshevik’ or ‘majority’ party and the PPP the ‘Menchevik’ or ‘minority’ party and therefore could not negotiate on equal terms.”

“Merely talking about a government of national unity but doing everything possible to undermine and stand in the way of unity and reconciliation will not sell…” the Party stated.

The governing Party continues to lambaste the coalition of A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and the Alliance For Change (AFC).

“The fact of the matter is that the APNU is only trying to create a facade of national unity by cosmetic means when in actuality it is simply a case of old wine in new bottle,” the PPP statement noted.

The statement further noted, “This attempt by APNU to reconstruct its image will not succeed especially when seen against past experiences of the PNC on the question of a national unity government.”

This is really desperation on the part of the PPP.
