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Reply to "Patriotism-Residents removing Corriverton Flag pole."

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Riff posted:

funny you use assumed when it comes to PNC, but certainty when the PPP involved

Bhai,whenever there are proofs,the cards are laid on the table.

Django, your proof is your own manufactured facts. I am at Skeldon and read the newspapers of what transpired. My cousin is the mayor of Corriverton, so I get the news from the horse's mouth. Please be very careful how you disseminate your propaganda. PNC police bullied the coolies.

Bhai,you mentioned before,your cousin is the Mayor,kudos to him.

Where is the disseminating of propaganda ?,from my first post  on this debacle,i said "Bullyism" and had my suspicion of the directive,also i have express my condemnation.

By the way why the flag pole was removed ? what form of protest is that ?

Baseman posted:

Absolute bull sh1t.  The PNC bullyism back in full force.  And seems Ramjattan is on board, if not initiated!  These fickers!!

Django, what you have to say about this?

As you mentioned "Bullyism" there is no doubt  Amna Ally was calling the shots.Some of the PNC- ites will never learn,same old tactics.

The regions should be allowed to carry out the flag raising with out interference.Of course permission have to be granted,if not how will there be police protection.

Last edited by Django