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Reply to "Pensioner shot, robbed after leaving bank. Crime Escalates under this useless Administration."

Drugb posted:
GTAngler posted:
Drugb posted:

GT, I see you are back to your favorite past time, pointing backwards to excuse the faults of this govt. 

I am not excusing anything. I'll stop pointing backwards when you accept the truth. Until then, you need constant reminding.

What truth is there to accept? PNC/AFC promised greater security for the people and they failed to deliver.  In fact some will argue that the crime situation is even worse now under this incompetent lot. 

SO would you not say this is a step in the right direction? Did they underestimate the task at hand? Absolutely. Did they lie and make promises they couldn't keep? Most likely. You want to keep holding on to that, go right ahead. Keep pointing fingers while turning a blind eye to the past instead of looking for solutions.
