You're a case study in double-crossing. You were a mole here pretending to be PPP; praising Mr. Ramotar, his wife, children, etc. I'm waiting to see your position in the new gov't.
Ms Observer:
* Did you say case study in double crossing ? Thanks for the hearty laugh
. You must be a brokenhearted genuine East Indian PPP supporter from Berbice
, and so you are vexed with the Rev for being a gracious loser.
Next thing you'll be calling the Rev a DIRTY INDIAN.
* Listen! The Rev vehemently supported Ramotar and the PPP all the way to election day. But when I realized they were going to fall short, I decided to be a good loser and congratulate folks like Nagamootoo whom I had hammered ferociously during the campaign.
* If they made decisions that are good for Guyana and Guyanese I will genuinely praise them. But if they screw up, and they will, it will be a joy pummeling them.
* Failures, defeats, losing---they are all good if you learn a lesson from them---hope the PPP learns why they couldn't convince 2700 voters to change their minds and vote for the PPP instead of the opposition----remember the PPP lost by 5400 votes.
Thanks for the hearty laugh, also. It just hit me like a ton of bricks what your job title is. This post of yours just confirms it. You did your job for the PPP and are now doing it for the new gov't! Good luck.
P.S. Will we still be seeing all the picture graphics in your posts?