Indians were so hell bent in outfoxing each other that they fail to see themselves being outfoxed by the PNC. This is the end of any hope of any other party ruling over Guyana, but the PNC. The PNC will, in time, debase and take back the seats that was handed to the AFC and if they don't like it, they can go to hell, the PNC don't need anyone to remain in power, they have the GDF.
The rise of the new 1% privilege Indo class under "neo-Burnhamism" is here to stay. However, the PPP hold a much of the fault as they were contemptuous, self-centered and myopic in they view of reality. The PPP and AFC where locked in their own "civil war" and the military-minded Granger moved in for the kill. Classic "Art of War".
As I said. Let the PPP transform itself into avalid multi racial party by dumping this coolie party with a few black tokens nonsense. Find black people with a valid black constituency. People who have been known to advocate on behalf of Afro Guyanese people, and therefore trusted by them.
In other words learn from APNU and the AFC. They won because there was small swing Indo vote combined with the African and mixed vote. This outnumbered the PPPs scared Indo vote and purchased Amerindian vote.
BTW, lacking largesse over the next 5 years the PPP will no longer have its Amerindian vote, unless the coalition govt is stupid, and neglects these people. In addition the small black/mixed vote that the PPP got will probably not be there either as much of it was from milk drinkers voting for the people who they assumed would have won.....people like Dizzy Lizzy.
How can a group which is going to be just over 35% of the population by 2020 think that they can form an Indo government. If the PPP continues to be racist then they will be punished for it.
BTW of the coalition performs and succeeds in demonstrating that multi ethnic govt can work the swing Indian vote will be even larger.
So basemen, shift your thinking form Indo this and Indo that, and understand that, ethnic groups aren't monolithic, and that no ethnic can stand outside of a multi ethnic environments and still succeed.
I warned you and Shaitaan about this and yet you both stuck to this ethnically exclusive Indo tribal model.