Honestly, I don't want to see THIS PPP back. They received a trashing for a reason. I really don't like their attitude. I want a multi-ethnic party with solid checks and balance within.
And you have a multi ethnic government with solid checks and balances.
Here is the deal. MOSES FAILED TO bring in a large Indian vote as the PPP was successful about "Moses is not an Indian" and combined that with "black man gun rape yu daughter" to terrify Indians out. They gained 35k votes, mainly from Indians, though some from Amerindians, whose votes the bought with a tax payer funded spending spree.
DESPITE that Moses was given a gun by Granger with the ability to pull the trigger and kill the APNU AFC coalition, and with that an APNU dominated government.
Talk about checks and balances.
And the true test of this will be discussions on the constitution.
Now explain in detail why you think that the AFC will not move to change it when it is the AFC who will be the LARGEST beneficiaries of a more democratic constitution? AND the AFC has it its disposal the ability to pull the trigger and end the life of the APNU dominated government.
What more do you want?