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Reply to "Prime Minister NAGAMOOTOO: AFC Must Protect Its Domain"

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Did I not say the PPP screwed up by not becoming more multi-ethnic?  I support multi-ethnic politics.  .

No you don't because if you did you would give the first multi ethnic alliance in post independence Guyana a chance to operate. 


You would see that, contrary to your screams, the AFC will get their share of MP slots and cabinet positions as was agreed. And you would acknowledge the fact that the AFC has  a gun to the head of APNU and the ability to pull the trigger when ever they wish.


And yes, if APNU doesn't allow discussions on a new constitution, and the PPP does, then there will be an MONC and yes. your PPP will be back.


Your idea of multi ethnic politics is an Indo party with a few black tokens and when blacks reject those tokens, as they did Sam Hinds, you will scream how racist they are!

Was I not always critical of CBJ for not reaching out to the PNC when he won in 1992?  I always held this position even when the PPP was solidly winning?  I reiterated this position in 2011.  I always contend that 40% feeling excluded, real of perception, is reality in their minds and needs to be addressed.  YOU KNOW this was one of the key criticisms I had of the Jagans/PPP.   Why then am I am "Indoist", as you like to say?
