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Reply to "PNC's Greene Destroys Georgetown. Guyana is next."

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:



David Granger served the PNC for 40 years which covered the period while he was in the army. It is not hard for us to believe this admittance by Granger himself (during the PNCR town hall meetings) since the PNC practiced party-paramountcy.

This explains the reason why he was Burnham's political liaison to the army and his role in carrying out the orders to steal ballot boxes and terrorise those who stood up against the rigging of the elections in 1973, 1985.

yuji22, you're hitting your head against a wall on this man David Granger.
Let me disabuse you of this Granger bogeyman you've created.
First, please read this document:
The document deals with X-13, a PNC plan to overthrow the PPP government by violent means in 1962-63.
The document contains words like arms, ammunition, dynamite, hand grenades, sabotage, Burnham, Hamilton Green.
yuji22, you may say David Granger has blood on his hands, but you cannot say Hamilton Green has abeer on his hands.
Hamilton Green was not playing phagwah with PPP-type people while PNC hoodlums and hooligans were burning and looting and beating and raping and killing innocent people during the early-1960s disturbances.
Now, this same Hamilton Green is alive and kicking, and talking too. Read what he wrote in Stabroek News on October 21:

"...Burnham and Jagan and just a few of us had held secret meetings in an effort to forge a political unity (or a modus vivendi). Things were near fruition when Burnham died, my witness being Elvin Mc David.  After Burnham’s death Hoyte had a strong hostility towards Dr. Jagan, which I did not share.  Hoyte was not aware of the secret Burnham/Jagan talks.  I recall inviting Cheddi Jagan to my home to revive those talks. Hoyte was upset, my witness to this being Dr. Joey Jagan."
You see, yuji22, although Dr Cheddi Jagan knew what Burnham and Green did to PPP supporters in the 1960s he was having secret talks 20 years later with Burnham "to forge a political unity."
And after Burnham died, Dr Jagan and his son Joey were visiting Hamilton Green's home to revive those talks.
Dr Jagan didn't tell Green, "You have blood on your hands. I won't talk to you about political unity."
Dr Jagan was a statesman who looked at the big picture. Dr Jagan was a wise politician; he knew he had to accommodate his political enemies for the sake of the whole nation.
yuji22, don't try to scare people by saying the PNC destroyed Georgetown and will go on to destroy Guyana.
Dr Cheddi was willing and ready to coalesce with the same PNC of David Granger and Hamilton Green. That was why he called for a National Patriotic Government in 1977, only 4 years after the PNC police killed the ballot box martyrs. That was why he was having secret talks with Burnham in 1985.



I must respond to this. 


All great leaders of the world including Mandela always put their people first. Dr. Jagan was no exception. It appears that you are a defender of the PNC and Granger and I disagree with your position.


I was aware of secret talks in working towards a National Patriotic Front government. Dr. Jagan wanted the good of his country.


I have openly attacked Greene, read my posts. Granger is no exception, as a Berbician, I will not rest until Granger and the PNC offer an apology to Indo Guyanese. Gil, are you now a PNC defender ?
