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Reply to "PNC Shakedown Businesses to build Durban Park"

Granger was heading the army when Burnham steals Indian lively hood, the murder of Walter Rodney , the allegation of brutality against Indian . Green  

Green - has a history that follows him.... yet the ABC countries support these criminals and did not bring them to justice ... and the so call Koolie who support them ...

i know of families who are selling out and leaving the country. businessmen also .  ... supporters of AFC are disappointed . well, know business in Canada who support AFC with thousands of dollars have express disappointment . A well-known business owner said to me yesterday ... Guyana has gone from bad to worst .

The PNC hardcore is calling on business owners via phone  to donate large sum of money to funds parties and social gathering. Hamilton Green was personally on the call ... my boys will come by to pick up $ plus food stuff ... and they tell you home much they want . Business owners are afraid to speak out .... their business will be a target after.

AFC donors recently had a meeting with Granger and were told PNC hardcore is giving a tough time and wants to regain control 
