@Tola posted:Please explain, I don't understand.
Take this Jones case for instance. The only thing we know for a fact is that some police visited Jones' private residence and asked permission to search his property which he refused on the grounds that the police did not have a search warrant. We learned from another report that the police remained outside his resident until a warrant was issued at around 12:30AM. With that warrant they searched his property confiscated some materials and arrest him before he was subsequently released. Those are the only things we know and as time goes by we will learned how much of this is true or not.
The heading of this article states that there was police harassment. That is untrue because Jones was not harassed at anything during this matter. He wants to claim harassment because it suits his agenda. Labba will tell you that the police and army are mostly aligned with the PNC and Jones being a influential PNC member would have to do something really blatant for the police to even show up at his house to conduct a search.