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Reply to "Post-election tasks"

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

"The Coalition has two Statesmen at the helm - Granger and Nagamootoo - and as long as they keep the hounds in check...." Ralph Ramkarran.


Who Ramkarran calling hounds?

Kzaaz, that sentence is part of what I wrote.


The quotes from Ralph Ramkarran are in italics. Everything else is my writing.


Now the word "hounds" is a literary expression to describe the group of people who are on the extremes of the coalition. Every organization has its extremes - even Masjids. Then there are those in the center. Then there are the ones who are aware of everything but only act o those things that are in the best interests. It is not only about what's right but about what's smart.

My apologies to Ralph Ramkarran then.
