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Reply to "Post-election tasks"

Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Honey moons in coalitions don't last that long .......


Nagamootoo better pay attention.

Nagamootoo himself will bring an end to that coalition if he feels that the APNU is wasting his time, or attempting to renege its deal with him.

The perfect excuse for the PNC to pull a UF style stunt, then all gone for channa.

This is concern, but the coalition is an opportunity to try a new method of governance to create a better form of equality, for all races.

There is no guarantee how it might unfold, so was all past elections.

But, we hope the goodwill of women and men in any government, will be sincere in their promises and have a deep longing to see Guyanese proper.   

It's a high risk game the AFC playing.  They did in 2011 and baseman was skeptical that they can pull it off.  I saw the biggest risk was a PNC victory.  Luckily the Indians in Guyana "smell a rat" and reverted to the PPP a the last minute.


I can say, I don't like the "democracy" in Guyana, where ethnic security trumps the issues, but that's what there is.  There are solutions, but presently the parties benefit from the stalemate.


Why did the PNC not propose that as one of their commitments to the people of Guyana, to place the GDF under independent judicial control.  No, with all the concerns, they ensure the PNC keeps the GDF under their control.  If they truly wanted to demonstrate to the Indian majority that the past cannot be repeated, this was their chance to do it.  No, instead they insisted on holding their "trump card".
