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Reply to "Post election."


1. No person shall be present at the counting of the votes except-

  a. the returning officer and such other election officers as he may appoint to assist  him in the counting.

  b. the Minister, members of the Commission and members of any team of       observers appointed by the minister;

  c. duly appointed candidates;

  d. counting agents;

  e. such other persons as, in the opinion of the returning officer, have good reason to be present.

6. The returning officer shall give the counting agents all such reasonable facilities for overseeing the proceedings and all such information with respect thereto as he can give them consistent with the orderly conduct of the proceedings and with the discharge of his duties in connection therewith.


@Dem_guy , with all the Rukus and breaches of  the counting area , doesn't seem like the Law applies .Which Minister appoints the Observer team ? me thinks GECOM invites the observer teams.

Last edited by Django