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Mysterious statements from people who claimed they won

Mar 06, 2020 Features / Columnists, Freddie Kissoon 2 Comments

Maybe I am not deeply intelligent to understand when people make complex statements, but I confess that I am at a complete loss to comprehend even in a small way, something Ms. Amna Ally said to me on Wednesday.
I was on the panel of Kaieteur Radio on Wednesday when it made contact with Amna Ally. On giving my questions to Ms. Ally, this is what she said to me; first, APNU+AFC will be asking for a recount in most of the Regions, and secondly, the elections had dead people voting. Unlike all the candidates from the other parties that contested the elections that we have interviewed, Ms. Ally cut herself off.
Ms. Ally’s first words when I questioned her were that APNU+AFC won. Surely, if you win an election, get on with urging the national election body to declare the results so you can swear in your president. Why delay your return to office by asking for recounts?
Secondly, every major stakeholder, external and internal, has assessed the 2020 balloting as free and fair. You do not expect the winner to make claims of skullduggery. That is an exercise that always resides in the opposition, who has good reason for wanting to delay the results.
If dead people did in fact vote, then it contradicts the pellucid announcement of all internal and external observers, that the 2020 election was a smooth process that was free and fair.
Finally, in relation to Ms. Ally, all over the world at election time, candidates seek whole day media coverage. If you interview them, they do not want to stop talking. It makes sense, they want to be heard. Ms. Ally was an exception. She just put down the phone from her end.
I come now to the counting of the statements of poll (SOPs) for Region Four. From Tuesday, until the time of penning this column (Thursday 8 pm), I have not seen one utterance in front of the television cameras of any candidate of APNU+AFC urging the speedy counting of the SOPs. From Tuesday until now, it is the candidates and leaders from the ten other contesting parties that are calling for quick verification.
Isn’t this mysterious? If APNU+AFC has won, why not keep a vigil from Tuesday urging GECOM to verify the results so you can get on with the swearing in of your president. Why are the “losers” so emotional about getting the verification done? What good will it do them when the SOPs will show that they have lost. And it will do the winner a whole lot of good, because the quicker the count the earlier you can get on with swearing in your president.
At the time of writing, I have not heard that GECOM has completed the verification. These are some of the mysterious dimensions I have encountered with the results of the 2020 poll. The PPP has produced their SOPs yesterday.
Khemraj Ramjattan had held a press conference yesterday and announced that his outfit won. He said his coalition team won by a small margin. Surely, APNU+AFC’s credibility would have been enhanced if he had spread out his SOPs on the table where he was seated.
It would have meant we, the Guyanese people, and we, in the media would now been able to juxtapose the two documents – that of the PPP and that of APNU+AFC. It would have helped his credibility if he had done what the PPP did – produce his party’s SOPs. Not doing so up to Thursday evening doesn’t seem right
Where Guyana goes from here no one knows. From all that I have seen inside GECOM since Tuesday, Guyana is again the focus of Caribbean people, who will continue to see us as the perennial pariah of the Caribbean. The ABC/EU envoys and the Commonwealth Observers have issued a statement in which they said that the results of the Region Four tallies is still to be done, and is urging GECOM that it be done according to the law.
Here is what APNUI+AFC and all the opposition parties must understand and comprehend it quickly – late last Monday night into the morning of Tuesday, international and local observers were witnesses to GECOM’s verification of the 2020 elections results. They know the results. They know who is lying.
One thing I know for sure, if the international observers deem the results of the elections were tampered with and did not reflect the will of the people, then, the new government will not be able to govern effectively. That government will be seen as a fraudulent one. Until tomorrow, stay safe.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this newspaper)
