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Reply to "Post election."


You said

PPL can't get along, then there must be a solution. What goes on Guyana have no solutions but separation.

Separation, partition and all that are not a solution for Guyana. As much as labba man and he mentor Toupee Man pushing it.

I'll go Waaayyyyyyy out on a limb here and say this is NOT about race. It is about corruption. Yes, there are racists on both sides in Guyana, but somehow they manage to cohabit when it comes to corruption and teefing. This is part of life in Guyana where people steal from their bosses, steal at the store, kill and steal others' land etc. It is part of our society and has been so from colonial times.

Teefing is in we blood. So why should we expect it to be any different at election time. We have a fondness for corruption. Fifty plus years of independence and it has gotten worse. No regime can stem it, not black not Indian. Even in developed nations we Guyanese are champion teef men. Check Richmond Hill.

Right hay on this forum you got people posting from a white man swamp 26 hours a day, shooting shit morning, noon and night  from he "job". Then you got another one in the bursar's office writing shit from he job computer 24/7. These people are THIEVES. Getting paid for X hours of work while spending that time on personal shit is TEEFING.

So I posit this is about corruption and getting their hands on the assets of the state. It's a Guyanese thing. BOTH sides are interested in that and not serving the people. We own Gurkha soldier Baseman was feteing Granger in he basement prior to elections looking fuh lil drippings. Where are them Indian delivers like Moses and Ramjattan?

Look at the black guys from Burnham time - big time PPP men now. House of Israel thugs now tun saints. It's all for the soup bai.

This is all about corruption, money and wealth. Race is just a foolish excuse. You all think for one minute Granger and Jagdeo got the welfare of blacks or Indians on their minds? BOTH major races live in poverty. Indian living in zinc sheet huts in the countryside, black people struggling in poverty in the cities, each open to a lil "freck" just to survive. This after 50 years of "independence" and about equal terms of BOTH parties.

Race and mistrust is the excuse they use for their corruption. Alyuh Indian racists hay need to move on from de "black man" ting. Ronan, Caribj and myself never use racial pejoratives at alyuh. Shows how low class y'all are. Fools.

Last edited by Former Member