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Reply to "Post Post Election....2020"

Comment by Albio Sires, US Representative for New Jersey's 8th Congressional Dirstrict.


Image may contain: ‎3 people, ‎possible text that says '‎Albio Sires @RepSires 2h #Guyana's Court nullifying unverified election results that were released for Region 4 week. urge election commission to established procedure under law ensure the process be conducted in and transparent manner [1/3) ? Albio Sires @RepSires 2h with accredited domestic and international observers. hope all parties refrain from violence results. wholeheartedly support the right of the Guyanese people to choose their leaders. [2/3) ?ہ Albio Sires @RepSires 2h As told @IRIGlobal during our meeting this morning, appreciate efforts those domestic and international ensure the election results reflect of the Guyanese people. (3/3) all will‎'‎‎



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