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Reply to "Post Post Election....2020"


The Peoples Progressive Party – PPP- led by Bharrat Jagdeo has advanced a false narrative that GECOM is rigging the 2020 elections. This is a classical tactic of an election rigger accusing GECOM of rigging to camouflage his own rigging actions and blame GECOM; In fact, the PPP wants to introduce rigged SOPs into GECOM. GECOM is an independent constitutional body who regulates its own affairs. The RO for Region 4 followed the law and GECOM procedures. These practices are in ... See More.

The intended false narrative propagation resides precisely with you. Here you are selling a tall tale that the PPP can insert fraudulent sops when we all know that those were generated on election day and posted on polling places and are carbon copies handed out to all competing parties.

You are telling a lie, plain and simple. Worse, the PPP cannot dispute it no less than the PNC when all they have to do is compare it with others from the same original and/or count the actual ballots
