Hey Skelly, Claremont Mingo must use SOP to count...Chief Justice Roxanne George forced to explain her own ruling which was handed down on Wednesday..The ruling was since breached by the RO which resulted in Contempt of Court proceedings to be filed against him. However, the SOPs in used to tabulate the count is not matching the original SOPs.
All observers have concluded, their is evidence of tampering. Where will this take us now.... GECOM can continue counting, but their SOPs are fraudulent, as evidence is shown. This will result in APNU as the winner and Granger been sworn in as President.
Should GECOM fail to announce a legitimate declaration, i believe Guyana is heading back to the poll. Since GECOM is a corrupt body, they must be disband and new officers install. When will this process starts and end, is the big question. A interim government should be put in place until such election is held.
Understanding Jagdeo interview, he do not believe in the system anymore and have indicate PPP will not attend parliament.
Note: Granger keep insisting GECOM is a independent body and he cannot make decision for them, so clearly he is protecting himself like a true soldier.