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Reply to "Post Post Election....2020"


Rae Lam states:

"I am going to say this one last time because I am genuinely tired of the circus about SOPs.

TCI’s SOPs came from the field. We received them from candidates, relatives and friends election night and the next morning. This was tabulated into a spreadsheet for me to use at the verification exercise.

Over the weekend when the SOPs in our possession were being discredited, we created a website for the public to upload any SOPs they could send us. This we then used to go to those locations of any new ones to verify if they were indeed valid images. We then tabulated these in a second spreadsheet.

I received hundreds of images via my own fb again. We attempted to verify them as valid images where we could. What we discovered was that many were taken away already or we were not allowed to enter via the security instructions. We kept those to see if the Gecom Sops would match still. Some did and some didn’t.

Y’all please ease me about the PPP SOPs. I have my own verified images of field SOPs in my phone. For instance a former student, posted his polling place’s own at 10.34 pm on election night. Guess what happened when that same polling place Sop was read out today. Just guess.

For the man who openly tagged me and invoking the blood of Jesus on me to tell the truth because a nation rests on it, I hope you know that that blood covers me too. I answer to my faith and the Father. He only knows my heart and my intentions. My integrity stands. Your loyalty to your party is blind. I fight for a country’s votes to be counted however it went. You want your party to win. We are not the same good sir. We are not the same.

After what I saw today, there are no words. I can count on 20 fingers and toes as to the handful of SOPs which matched the close to 300 in our possession.

Now if there is anybody else who’d like to take me on, y’all come. I have time today and I’m inclined to oblige you. I hope you ready."
