Here are excerpts from the official Judgement made available publicly on what the Chief Justice was articulating concerning the method the RO can decide to employ. You will notice:
1. Method refers to the operational aspect of the process.
2. Method of tabulation carries a sense of tracking, recording, or noting the results, NOT ignoring or refusing to rely on the source of tabulation, which is clearly stated to be the Statements of Polls.
3. Tabulation can only rely on the ...

And to close the night, I address the claim, "They can't do that! We are a sovereign nation!" in response to the EU's interest to witness the SOPs the RO for Region 4 used to produce his or GECOM's spreadsheet.
Excerpt from the Guyana General Elections Observers Act, Ch. 1:10, Section 4, 5 and 6.
So, yes. They can.