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Reply to "Post Post Election....2020"

In these tense times in Guyana, the postings of shitabatty Sean, Nehru and Princess Swampwater calling for invasion by America and on Trump for assistance are amusing. All 3 are supporters of a communist cabal in Guyana that hates America.

Nehru cusses America and Trump daily. Calls Americans "pigs" and "dogs". Now he wants America and Trump to help he po lil communist band to regain power.

Shitabatty sean screaming for invasion. America got Corona to worry about. Trump couldn't care less about y'all. America got cheap oil now, got their own reserves and the world is overflowing in oil, rice, bananas etc. 

50+ years of sheer incompetence and being unable to run your own damn country. Look at the degradation of Guyana from colonial times to today presided over by  both these parties. Massive FAIL.

Suh stop your antiman screams for "invasion" and always relying on the white man to solve your problems while simultaneously cussing he and lavishing in he country.

Let the people count the votes and see what happens.

The referees are gone. they say the game is need to wait for t he end. They even give their remedy...Granger installs himself on a theft of the elections and we are a pariah state. Welcome to the era of Guyana's own fleshly minted Mugabe. I guess we have to be friends with the chinese by selling out the state!