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Reply to "POWER SHARING MODEL - Khemraj Ramjattan"

Originally posted by Western:
"I must congratulate Mr Trotman on a well written letter but one designed to dodge issues and claim innocence of any political dimorphism on his part (‘The AFC did not join the “Third Force platform” and therefore could not be responsible for its collapse’ SN, April 10). The first issue he cleverly dodges is not commenting on the concept of a grand coalition or ‘big tent’ opposition in the 2006 elections, which Mr Mervin, brought up and which prompted my letter. So, first of all, Mr Ramjattan had made, the AFC and Mr Trotman are dead set against a big tent oppositon especially with the recent comments Mr Ramjattan has made, the AFC and Mr Trotman are dead set against a big tent opposition as they were in 2006; and the result then will be the same in 2011..."

Cheddi (Joey) Jagan (Jr)
Source: Stabroek News

Who don't Joey (fake Cheddie)tell us why neither his father nor mother ever even initiate a model which he preached over the years pre-1992.