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Reply to "POWER SHARING MODEL - Khemraj Ramjattan"

Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:

Quit true, Bookman .. and the AFC is not the vehicle for the solution,

The PPP and PNC have proven an abysmal failure in this and most other areas, so you (PPPite) have no leg to stand on regarding who can or cannot deliver such.

Your personal rants and ravings are always amusing.

The only amusing clowns are those like you who sit here and say the PPP are great but would never go back enjoy their utopia. Most people, I find who think its great, go there on their annual rum sucking binges and try to solicit under aged female companion. And some have the gall and no shame to talk of it openly, yes and they are coolie PPPites.

Your continued ramblings are quite amusing.