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Reply to "PPP/C Show Them Coalition Bright Bais How Its Done. Will Launch Campaign Today At Port Mourant, Corentyne"

Some people want it but not necessarily care to earn it. Nagamootoo has been running from pillow to post to get a leadership position. Wonder where he will run next. In my opinion the AFC could have made deals with the PPP after the 2011 elections by asking for some favors while giving some. Then even if they couldn't stop the PPP corruption, they could have secured some benefits for the people they claim to represent thereby increasing the gravy pool. But their actions got them no corn and no hush and now they had to join band with the PNC which in my opinion further diminish their importance. Just over two months will indicate how that move was received by the voters. The PNC got what they wanted. Any stray traditional PNC vote returned to the PNC because those voters will say, "heck, the PNC and AFC is all one now so we might just as well vote like we used to in de ole days". Now those stray PPP voters will also say, "heck, the PNC and AFC is all one now so we might as well vote like we used to in de ole days because we sure as hell not giving abee vote to dem PNC crooks. We prefer tuh give am tuh dem PPP crooks instead". That is the dilemma that the AFC is ignoring hoping that the PNC has enough of their own votes to get Nagamootoo a leadership position through the back door. 
