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Reply to "PPP/C Show Them Coalition Bright Bais How Its Done. Will Launch Campaign Today At Port Mourant, Corentyne"

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

They are plainly stupid and serves to mobilize black with these displays of Indian triumphalism. It is the reason APNU did not go on a street stump in Linden.


They do not have a problem with voters in Port Morant and tain. They have a problem with defections in Whim, Skeldon and Crabwood creek and GT. They also have problems in region 3.


It is hardly money that will save them. The last time they showed how overwhelming that purse is having been filled by contractor clients and the Chinese. They plastered the ugly mug of Ramotar from Ashilton to Crabwood creek. They still missed the mark.


This time, if Indians stay home as the last time and blacks turn out as the apparently will; the PPP loses.

Political campaigning is more about convincing voters than anything else. Obama won big in 2008 because people were intrigued by the nuance of the first black president coupled by his extraordinary to reach out to all voters who will listen to him. We heard stories of his campaigners bussing college students to the polling places so they can vote. I doubt most of his voters really knew how his stand on many matters differed from John McCain.


Then the election was over and the first black president was elected and reality finally stepped in for many of those older white voters who probably said, "oh ship, what have I done?" which made it much more difficult for him to win in 2012 but he still eeked it out. Same in Guyana, those traditional PPP voters have already had their 2008 moment back in 2011. They are not in their 2012 mindset. Maybe Nagamootoo also realized that those 2011 votes are gone which is why he jumped onto the PNC ship. What he probably didn't realize is that he gave up the husk for nothing. The only value of a Guyanese PM is hoping that the president dies soon.   
