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Reply to "PPP/C Show Them Coalition Bright Bais How Its Done. Will Launch Campaign Today At Port Mourant, Corentyne"

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

The AFC squandered their chance to be an equalizer which was their claim to fame.


This Coalition is precisely what happens when otherwise smart people into political theory are allowed into the realm of campaign strategy.


I could have found the duncest canecutter in Yakasari, Black Bush Polder who could have told these idiots that Indians ain't voting PNC....not today, not tomorrow, not ever. The PNC has to achieve office by having another Indian party (or parties) split the Indian vote or wait for demographics to destroy us to achieve office at election.

Even Carib beer was hoping and praying that the AFC will get just enough PPP votes to make the PNC the higher vote getter thereby advancing them to the throne. Carib was hoping to use and then throw out the AFC after elections. That is why he was so bewildered by the coalition. He still find it troublesome for the PNC.



I seriously agree with my friend Mike Persaud (the Indian who brought David Granger to Richmond Hill and opened his house to hosting Granger) when he alleges if someone in the AFC tek a bribe from Freedom House to bring this deal to fruition.


Caribj is right. This is a remarkably stupid idea. I've spent like 14 years insulting the PPP here on GNI and I can't even bring myself to support the Coalition. I'm still wracking my brains to try and do so. I suspect the average Indian isn't so torn.


I thought a PNC Minority Presidency responsible to a Parliament with an AFC-held balance of power was a perfectly sound strategy and result.


I suspect I know what happened....dem AFC mudheads simply wanted some Minista wuk. This is the only reason for this deal. And I believe they should have understood that they could have joined the Cabinet of the PNC after the election perfectly legally without the risk of decimation.
