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Reply to "PPP fires Back: Coalition Govt responsible for hikes in Berbice Bridge tolls"

yuji22 posted:

Gyam Fiah PPP, Gyam.

"The PPP is categorically opposed to any increase in tolls at the Berbice Bridge. We do not support an increase in the tolls, particularly given what is happening in Berbice – loss of thousands of jobs in the sugar industry and other sectors – as a result of the policies of the APNU/AFC Coalition Government."

So the rates would have eventually become what the private investors would have wanted.  Gradual increases would have fooled the public in ways that this draconian increase doesn't.  This drastic increase is blatant for all to see.

The PPP really seems to hate their supporters.  The Skeldon fiasco, destruction of Guysuco and imposing on Berbice this bridge, destroying the ferry service in the process.
