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Reply to "PPP fires Back: Coalition Govt responsible for hikes in Berbice Bridge tolls"

Drugb posted:
D2 posted:
alena06 posted:

Both sides will continue to blame each other.  Bottom line you don’t put a Medical Doctor like Surendra (btw he is a super smart and US trained doctor) to oversee a bridge project.

I think PPP won this one though!

Why is it a winnable case for the PPP? It is an example of obscene crony capitalism. They government put in 95 percent of the funding, investors only 5 and they control 100 percent of the asset. 

That is an ugly bridge. It has no pedestrian walk way. A suspension bridge was proposed up river by the bend for 45 million. This was moved there and the infrastructure built up at government expense ( inclusive of compensating land owners) because they give the same people some 25 hectares lease for 99 years to build a deep sea harbor and oil refinery. Up river they could have fostered New Amsterdam, had a narrower section to scan and all the road work was already in place. Now we have a warped monstrosity what is prohibitive to poor people in a poor region...especially now since no body has work.

This is PPP crookedness in nth degree. And by the way, it does not take smarts to be crooked. Actually, smarts would be involved if it was done right. 

Lies by our resident know it all. No fixed bridge structure was suggested by the feasibility study. In fact the world bank suggested improving the ferry service rather than build a bridge due to the low volume of traffic.

OP-ED | ‘Suarez brothers Circus faces stiff competition’

By Imran Khan

INITIALLY, when they arrived, the Saurez Brothers Circus had announced that they will be in Guyana for a “long period”.

On September 28th last, The Guyana Times reported thusly: “The Suarez Brothers Circus…. was in Guyana 13 years ago for a short time. This time, they (sic) are here for a longer period…”

Via public notices, the Suarez Circus has now announced that it is back to a “short season” and “only in Georgetown”. The competition from across the way on upper Church Street with its weekly press conference ‘performances’ seems to be too stiff for Saurez Brothers. They are packing up and shipping out early. And so he was at it again yesterday, frothing at the mouth with his trademark vitriol and his infamous invectives, for part of his performance, while cornered and afraid for another part. His supporters must have been wincing as noted journalist, Gordon Moseley, interrogated him on his feeble, convoluted defence of the obscene Berbice Bridge contract (which was conceived and signed during his presidency).

Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo became incensed and irritated at Moseley’s insistence that he provides credible answers which he was incapable of doing and became evasive and insulting. It was the kind of performance we have become accustomed to from this ill-tempered, vindictive former President who once instituted a ban against the very Moseley from the Office of the President.

In a sad attempt to evade Moseley, Jagdeo went into an elongated spiel, repeating what he deemed successes of his presidency. He mentioned a number of projects.
Let us examine some: The Leonora Athletic Stadium. The location of this facility was purely political and had nothing to do with the development of athletics in Guyana. Leonora has no history or legacy of athletics. The stadium should have been located in either Linden or Georgetown where the majority of Guyana’s athletics emerge from. They would have been able to use the facility on a daily basis to train and prepare for domestic and international competition. In addition the facility was poorly designed and the construction was shoddy with the walls cracking and buckling. The seats in this “stadium” are cheap wooden benches which resemble crude road corner liming spots. It is a disgrace for anyone to boast that this is a shining achievement.

The Guyana National Stadium: Another horribly designed project which is so badly designed that tarpaulins have to be used to prevent the seats in the esteemed Presidential Box from getting wet when it rains. Several areas have also been cracking and certain parts of the stands and surrounding areas flood. The dressing rooms for the teams are so small that some players have had to sit in the washroom. These are irrefutable, if not well known, facts.

The Skeldon Sugar Factory remains a glorious white elephant– a colossal waste of money and a multi-billion dollar burden on taxpayers. We now know of the vulgar and oppressive contract which preceded the building of the Berbice Bridge. The location of the bridge too was done to spite the people of New Amsterdam (where the stelling is located) because they are deemed to be supportive of the Coalition.
