I agree there is an opening on the Amerindian front. Alliance should pick up both 8 and 9 and move seriously into 1. Ms Lowe has to be elevated.
AFC needs to make themselves busy in Regions 1, 7 (outside of Bartica/Mahdia), 8 and 9. Granger mightn't be too popular in those areas given the reputation of the GDF.
They need to focus on the Amerindian youth. They probably have a stronger sense of being part of a Guyanese nation than do their elders, so might be more motivated to vote. They are also more educated and less influenced by the tochaos.
The reality is that the coastal population has been declining since 1980. Increasing the interior is not to be ignored.
J it is good to have a Strategist with a Proven Track Record from the Ole School.
I know you talking with a lot of authority....
but be reassured AFC Trotman aint got time fuh small talk right now....
they did not come this far because of "Your expertise and Advise".
Dem Bhai on their own Tracks......
If the AFC needs you Mr Trotman will contact you.
He didn't last time and ended up with a scant 11% OF the votes and even the PPP beat him in Linden, and he lost 25% of his votes in G/town.
The only thing that saved him was the last minute departure of Nagamootoo from the PPP, which allowed the AFC to grab 10k votes from Regions 5 and 6.
Note to you. Had Ramjattan, Hughes, or Trotman gone to those regions instead of Nagamootoo, the PPP would have won control of parliament.