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Reply to "PPP not threatened by Amerindian political party: Jagdeo lie ta-rass."

VishMahabir posted:
Django posted:


the Coalition Gov't have majority of the Amerindians in their fold,they are focusing heavily to develop their areas.

Shuman may have a tough road ahead to garner support from their communities taking into consideration it's a new party,we will find out.

I have no problem with an Amerindian Party,there should also be a Mixed Party.That will send a message to the two pea of the same pod.

Jagdeo shooting blanks.

The only other party possible besides an Amerindian, Indo and Afro, is a multiracial party that incorporates ALL Guyanese, somewhat like what Walter Rodney was able to create for a short time....however, I agree, the fight is going to be between the PNC and PPP.

It's difficult to break the bond of the two major groups from supporting their parties,some tried and failed.

The Mixed and the Amerindian are growing and they are the tie breaker.
