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Reply to "PPP protests Granger’s presence at Saraswati school graduation"

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:
sachin_05 posted:
ronan posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:

Afros will come to realize their interest is better served to have Indians control Guyana.

every so often the true you fights its way through the camouflage, the fakery and the 'flattery' into sunlight

it's a good thing for Afro and other non-Indian Guyanese to be clear-eyed in assessing the race ideologies they are confronted with from the Hindu fascists ascendant in the PPP


It's the thought of the Indo-Guyanese , they are superior to Afro-Guyanese in intelligence of managing the affairs of Guyana, regardless they are frauds.

It is a fact that majority of Indians are better managers than most blacks . The evidence is there to prove this, except those with cockey.. like you. 

Blacks in Guyana only saw the good life when PPP came to power, because they were given an opportunity. 

Burnham has suppressed them, never mind he took Indians lands and give to them .. they plant bezzy bezzy . 

PPP built infracture for them ( a recent video of Plaisance posted on this site prove this) they in turn associate more with Indians and start turning their lives around  ( the new housing scheme opened  by PPP has mixture of races) lots of them were given opportunities by Indians businessmen and most make used of this. 

When Granger came, he told them to open plantain factory and insult them on Freedom Day ( get out and wok) how shame full another blackman putting their own down. 

David Hinds wants them to get FREE money as opposed to work and see the value. 

Spend your time educating these fools. 

I have asked you many times, What’s stopping you from opening a business of your field in Sophia / Buxton and provide employment for those Afros. Shooting the shit behind a keyboard can’t help. 


APNU-AFC rule notwitstanding

according to Ksazma, Florida's 1st black face klansman applicant, Indo-Guyanese are busy (JUSTIFIABLY) marginalizing Afro-Guyanese

something about "scars"

anybody else know this?

non - sequitur 

That idiot should learn to read. I was referring to why I don’t feel obligated to worry about whites marginalizing blacks in America and not anything to do with Guyana. Indians don’t marginalize blacks in Guyana. 

Well according to Cribby, even Burnham was anti-Black!  He never taught them the skills to compete with Indians!  Imagine that!

Indians never had an “Indian” Burnham, wish we did!

We don’t need am. We can bubble we own pat. Cribby didn’t like Burnham because he thinks Burnham didn’t give more to blacks. He also didn’t like Obama because he thinks Obama didn’t give more to blacks. Yet blacks can be heard on tv bragging about the free phone they got from Obama.
