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Reply to "PPP Public Meeting in Enterprise, 27 Sept"

At the end of the day, Gerhard, you can't change the level of denial the exists within the minds of some PPP supporters about the myth of their greatness and infallibility.

For the record, I was one of the people that Gerhard called and I did hear the clear heckling in the background.

There was no AFC ploy or plot. Indeed, Gerhard had invited me to the meeting originally to accompany Michelle in the car since she insisted that he not go alone. I asked him why he was going alone and he said that while reports coming in from AFC sympathisers were good, he wanted to personally observe what was going on.

I had a prior engagement and so I advised him to at least see if he could get one other AFC person with another vehicle to go up with him. As it was a snap decision, he could not.

I called him to check up on him and that was then he held out the phone and I heard clear heckling and people shouting down the main speakers.

I was at the AFC meeting in Enterprise a few weeks ago and it was precisely the opposite. As I was leaving, an old man came up to me and insisted on telling me that he came primarily because he had heard that there was a plan to disrupt the AFC meeting and he couldn't let that happen to Khemraj - he confessed to me that he was a former PPP supporter who would break up opposition meetings and he related how PNC supporters in a village a few miles away once beat him up and busted his head as he was campaigning for the PPP.

During the AFC meeting, several persons pointed out the PPP agitator who was sent to observe and agitate if it came to that. He spent the entire meeting riding back and forth. As the meeting was closing, they changed tact - several young men in a white car with a megaphone attached to the roof slowly cruised through the dispersing crowd, pointedly asking people "What going on here?"

That intimidation tactic did not work either. What Gerhard saw was the groundswell of sentiment in Indian village that was traditionally supportive of the PPP, but who after 19 years know that their children cannot ever hope to achieve the wealth of people like Nandalall and Kumar.

The person whose relatives supposedly witnessed a coordinated AFC attempt is relating a version of events that is is real as his name on here.