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PPP, the only Party abhorring bigotry – President - at massive Lusignan rally

PPP, the only Party abhorring bigotry – President - at massive Lusignan rally

Georgetown, GINA, October 23, 2011
Source - GINA

President Bharrat Jagdeo speaking at the PPP/C elections campaign rally at Lusignan

With only five weeks remaining before Guyanese go to the polls, the ruling People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) continued its campaign trail, abhorring bigotry and confident of another landslide victory.

President Bharrat Jagdeo told supporters today at a massive campaign rally on the Lusignan Tarmac, East Coast Demerara that the PPP is the only Party preaching unity and social cohesion.

“We are the only Party that does not preach race or religious dislocation… and the others pay lip service to this,” President Jagdeo said, assuring that the ruling Party’s campaign will continue to be energetic and filled with echoes of love, unity and progress.

The Head of State spoke with disdain about sentiments expressed by activist of the African Cultural and Development Association (ACDA) Tacuma Ogunseye who he said continues preaching race-hate messages that surprisingly attracts no media attention.

A section of the large gathering at the PPP/C elections campaign rally at Lusignan

President Jagdeo believes that the activist is being used by Opposition Parties to instigate prejudice and made reference to his recent remarks that “power must be won with or without the ballot box.”

The visible ethnic mix of supporters who have turned out in their numbers at the last four PPP/C campaign rallies, has thwarted the long held stereotype that ethnicity and politics are closely associated.

Some political parties are still however, trying to keep the stereotypical view alive and President Jagdeo pointed a finger at the Alliance for Change (AFC) which he said has labelled the PPP/C and the People’s National Congress (PNC) as race Parties.

Party member and Attorney at Law Anil Nandlall who was one of several who spoke on the platform, told the gathering that the coalition of different ethnic groups supporting the PPP/C is the fulfillment of a dream former President Dr. Cheddi Jagan had longed desired to realise.

“As I look at you in your thousands, both Indo and Afro Guyanese, I have seen the same crowd, the same mixture at Albion… at Kitty… at Linden and I know that finally we are achieving that goal of building a united Guyana under the People’s Progressive Party,” Nandlall said.

Chairman of the Ethnic Relations Commission (ERC) Bishop Juan EdghilL who shared the platform said that as he travels the country and engages in dialogue with Guyanese in every village, the call for unity has been clamouring and the ruling Party has answered that call.

“As an independent thinker, as someone who has watched what is taking place in Guyana, I can publicly declare without fear of contradiction, it’s only one political Party that has preached and practiced unity, and that is the PPP/C,” Bishop Edghill said.

Bishop Edghill used the occasion to respond to critics who expressed the view that the ruling party is atheistic, saying that the right of every individual whether Christian or not to chose a Political Party of his or her choice must prevail.

Former Guyana Trades Union Congress (GTUC) member Gillian Burton confirmed her membership with the ruling Party, defending her decision with the right of every Guyanese to freedom of association.

“For those who over the past week seem to have a problem with my presence at the PPP/C rally… I hereby no nationally declare that I Gillian Burton endorses the campaign of the re election of the PPP/C to Government.

The Party’s remaining rallies are planned for Bartica, Region Seven, Mabaruma, Region One, Skeldon Region Six and Lethem Region Nine.
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