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Reply to "PPP to select Presidential candidate via secret ballot"

yuji22 posted:
Drugb posted:
D2 posted:

Is shuman runs I will take an active part to see him win 2 seats. It is the PPP who will need to stack up on rolaids then.

Shuman is a known thiefman and corrupt individual in the St Culbert area. Why would you support him?

Shuman shunned

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St. Cuthbert’s Mission’s Toshao Beverley Clenkian (Delano Williams photo)

…leaves behind trail of division, controversy in St. Cuthbert’s Mission

FOUNDER of the soon-to-be-launched ‘indigenous party’, Lenox Shuman, although hoping to set a new pace of leadership nationally will have to deal with the sordid mess he left behind in the small Indigenous community of St. Cuthbert’s Mission.

Shoeman is a thiefman. He better clean up his mess. Looks like the media unearthed the mess that the Shoeman left behind. Good Job by the media. Only a clown will support a thief man like Shoeman. 


I see the PPP working overtime on shuman. Once the party is formed they will have to deal with me also

Our resident D2 is will be in charge if Shuman is deemed undesirable. D2 must be a big-time financial supporter for the man to make this bold statement. Wish him best of luck.
