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Reply to "President Granger to return tomorrow from Cuba -may require further treatment"

kp posted:
Iguana posted:
kp posted:

Guana you are having a field day criticizing others who don't play with you, your friends on GNI  are very few soon you'll be standing alone with your racist rants.

Not hay to mek friends bai. Not aware that I have any friends hay either. From day one Gwana has had the PM feature off. Not interested. I stand fuh principle, not popularity.

I rub alyuh de wrong way because I force you to confront yuh own racism and latent anti man traits. It's therapeutic fuh alyuh. Notice Nehru no longer asks posters if he can touch their "kaak". And even you have improved with the antiman talk.

focus on the racism I point out and you'll better yuhself even more. Y'all don't realize how bigoted alyuh is.

Tun GNI therapist.

That is you. Telling people pon anodda thread "take a quiet walk". KP = Kanta Psychologist
