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Reply to "Propaganda"

Working with youth in Guyana for years and the nasty attitude we noticed that they learn from PPP/government officials, don't surprise me regarding some of the post here.

The entire attitude of the PPP in Guyana and here remains the same, nasty, vindictive, be with us or you support the black man.

These guys raped innocent young women[of their own religion] who went looking for jobs. Now the women  have mental issues and some committed suicide. These guys were friggin heartless. 


People accepted this attitude and become like them, because not much can be done in Guyana without government officers involvement.

The nasty attitude people learn is transferred to others, who also become like the PPP and the nastiness/vindictiveness is propelled to the entire population.


We operated a youth suicide prevention program and many times officials took credit for something they were not even involved in. If we say anything, they found a way to get back to us in nasty manner.

The entire region was on edge, because corruption and vindictiveness was every here.

It got a bit more serious with our programs that bordered on legalities and I cant  say much here, but it might surface in the media, if these guys are taken  to court.  


A lot of R6 officials are very nervous these days, like Jagdeo and the entire PPP. They know what they did and hope the audited paper trail don't find it.    
