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Reply to "Questions for Django Bhai. Kindly respond."

Imran posted:
kp posted:

You ask a very good question, you want the answer so that you can report back to your main office[PNC} to get a reward.

The man said he " accumulate wealth " since 1985 ...  half million US in bank account and 7000 sq ft warehouse - paid off ... congress place takes care of their loyalist , share out lots a $ before PPP came to office 


let me help you out,I started a small business since 1985 in the home land,migrate to US 1996,after a couple years became the owner of a business i worked for [my luck],due to renting retail space,two years after,I decided to purchase a commercial property which is 7000 sq ft, "why rent when you can own",currently rented out 3500 sq ft.I never said it's paid off,i stated i have invested "in a" and there is more.Self employed individuals have to create their own pension,that is what i have done.

No PNC money,if you need some help how to move up the ladder in NA,I can offer free advice.

Give it a rest no need to bring it up,stay on the discussion.

My declaration was due to a poster trying to belittle,I am not the "show off type" ole USA have been good to me because of the "niche".

Hopefully i have set the record straight.
