albert knows that most Guyanese no longer like the PPP. But he also knows that few of these plan to vote and that many, especially the youth and urban residents, arent even registered. The AFC and the PNC feel that their supporters will vote becausde that is what these parties wish.
Like a man said last night "the PNC is a coconut tree with no roots", this after opining that the PNC is considered boring even to their own supporters, is doing little to conduct a registration drive in its strongholds, appears disunited, and has done virtually nothing to bring excitement to a rather dull campaign.
He had nothing to say about the AFC because there is just nothing to say about them, he feeks. They cant win is the dominant opinion. "De PPP bound to win". So whats there to talk about?
Like a good soup drinker albert knows where his bread is buttered and will not jeopardize this as he knows full well how vicious the PPP can be.