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Reply to "Questions for albert"

Originally posted by seignet:
The AFC will not change the lives of those ppl and situation in the photographs.

The photographs simply is a medium aimed at embarrassing the PPP. Yes, I agree they have not done the right things.

To be of help to those impoverished, means to dole out money to them. Their intentions are not to seek gainful employment. That seems to be the norm for Guyanese of all walks of life. Free money-that is an addiction throughout the country.

The AFC has defined a lot of faults in the society. We all know it is all there. But can it be solved. That is yet to be divulged.

The ills of Guyana have multi-dimensional roots. I have interacted, motivated and supported families over there who have moved beyond the state which I discovered them. People need to have hope, dreams and a sense of realization that they could actually achieve something better in their lives. The AFC have been talking about reforms and plans to engage the people in helping to solve their problms. The art of leadership is to motivate people to do the things they need to do for themselves because they want to do it. Corruption, nepotism, the rampant display the arrogance of power, the in your face theivery, the lack of hope except to migrate breeds a sense of dispair and lack of drive and motivation to do anything. Couple this with the welfare remittance coming from abroad, you get what you have in Guyana. The AFC have plans to address all, even engaging the dispora on how best remittaches shoud be channeled to create a positive vs a negative force in society.