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Reply to "Ralph Ramkarran, A New & United Guyana.. will he make it to the finish line..."

Totaram posted:
D2 posted:
Django posted:

Seems there are others who was involved in the Congressional team that visited Guyana.

I do not care who goes to guyana. The effect is they can end up ratifying and making whole a corrupt  scheme in the eyes of the international community. 

None of these people get to see the preparation of the mechanics for elections.

None to date has interrogated the obvious problem of a list padded by dead and those who left for foreign lands.

No one asked what are the protocols for taking out 10000 votes and who is responsible for tracking the handling of those.

No one asks why there are impoverished numbers of polling places in high density districts.

No one has to date offered a word of solace that they can guarantee that the process of going to the polls, casting a vote and knowing it is a real elector doing so.

It is clear they are not truly involved in the process but are merely there to act as a deterrent but having no bite. The PNC will game this system given the consequences for them are huge. That is for sure.

Jagdeo didn't want  clean list.  He told his people to boycott the H2H registration. 

Dude, jagdeo was against h2h and rightly so. Voting is not compulsory and it is a civic duty to be on the list. A designated period to ensure the opportunity to register with ample outlets to do so is all that is necessary. It is the responsibility of the electors to get on the list. We never get 100 percent of electors voting and listing making is never about taking a by-decennial census of electors.

All the squabble with the APNU to throw away the old list was plainly a delay tactic. They are not stupid. They know one can run the list of immigrants and the list of the dead to clean the list and further check it from a random sample is sufficient to make sure it  has integrity. That is what you do in practice. 

One use the lists continuously via cleaning and revamping with new registrants. This is the constitutional intent since we should be ready in any 90 days window. H2H was a ruse to delay election and not a strategy to get a valid list. Tell that tale to the poor suffering people of Guyana who are lied to daily by both sides. They remember Hoyte used the same ruse to remain in office extra-constitutionally for 2 years.
