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Reply to "Ralph Ramkarran dons his tatty "Civil Society" robes . . . attempting to force GECOM Chairwoman into acquiescence to the UNDEMOCRATIC PPP will"

Labba posted:

hey hey ada race na deh chip in. Dem white Jews deh staan quiet. Yu continue foh vote only foh yu mattie and accuse other of racism...hey hey hey. 

Yep, whites and Jews were in it. Funny you should mention it, cuz there is hate speech against Jews posted right hay by people like Taliban Mo and company, all enjoying the benefits of civil rights that Jews participated in fighting for. Y'all hate everybody.

Lissen fat lips, voting fuh mattie in Guyana is second nature to alyuh. Black man got no equivalent for "apan Jaat" in their vocabulary. Y'all created race conflict in Guyana that led to the emergence of Burnham.

Yuh doubt meh? Tek a read of the PPP supporters posting hay and their vile racist shit in dis hay 21st century! You and toupee man better "craft strategy" to educate them rather  than worrying about black man.
