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Reply to "Ralph Ramkarran dons his tatty "Civil Society" robes . . . attempting to force GECOM Chairwoman into acquiescence to the UNDEMOCRATIC PPP will"

Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

The Opposition Leader isn't delaying elections. Granger and his cohorts at GECOM are. The only element not subject to interpretation is the requirement to have elections within 90 days of the successful passage of a NCV. That occurred back on December 21, 2018.

Regardless of whether there is a good list of not is irrelevant once that 90 days is breached.

That 90 days isn't contingent on the delay or incompetency of GECOM.

Lastly, the highest court in the land already ruled that article 106 (6) and (7) are clear and MUST be obeyed.

What !!! are you for real !! the same clauses harping on gives extension.

Regarding GECOM , recommendations to become independent of party hacks,  was handed to Bharat Jagdeo, why there was no follow through ?

The clause give AN OPPORTUNITY for extension if at least 67% of parliament approves it. Parliament is under no obligation to extend the 90 days deadline and since it is clear that the despotic PNC have no honest intent on having elections the Opposition world be well advised to not participate in the PNC intent to usurp power.

I am afraid English can’t be made any simpler than that.

Well sorry for the Opposition, GECOM call the shots for readiness of Elections,they will inform Prezi Granger and a date will be declared.

No doubt they call the shots for readiness of elections but come September 18, 2019, if Jagdeo doesn't throw the wicked PNC another lifeline, they will be illegally squatting in office. They can remain there as long as they wish because the PPP will not act like bullies the way the Coalition did in 2015 and padlock all the doors. The PPP has shown that they can behave in a civilized manner. But make no mistake, the mostly PNC Coalition will be illegal after September 18, 2019.
