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Reply to "Ralph Ramkarran endorses the Cummingburg Accord - it is out of Dr Jagan's playbook. - I feel like dancing"

Good to hear from one of the PPP founder's children that Jagan would have endorsed the Nagamootoo/Granger embrace for the national good.


It is recorded that when Guyana got independence and the Guyana flag was being raised that Jagan and Burnham embraced.


So in signing the coalition agreement, Ramjattan and Moses were doing what Jagan wanted.  We need to educate those who have apprehension about the coalition.


And now the PPP Jagdeoite is shaking in its boots. When they heard Cathy Hughes, a very beautiful, younger lady would be a Vice President, they played copycat.


So already, the Coalition is sending shivers up their spines.


