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Reply to "real old exercise book"

Iguana posted:
cain posted:

Heheheheee....and this all started with a book.

Ah wonder how much of de tables you remember! How many feet in a mile? how many yards in a mile? how many "furlongs" in a mile (hint - a furlong is not the long furry pimp coat yuh duz wear in Canada).

I remember, you guh google. Meh wife and chirren duz be amazed ah still remember.

Without those tables we wouldn't understand the depth of Baseman's feat. He dated a 4800 ounce homan!

You can teach any five year old up to 10 times ones beyond that in under 10 mins. It is a matter of teaching that the order of the numbers does not matter (general identity property) and if they know two times table they are already most of the way there. Any adult who forget their tables need more than their Ginko. The rest of what you asked is forgotten onlyh bu truly dunce or lazy people.

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