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Reasons Obama will not win the Presidency.

Why Obama will not win:

Unemployment rate is stuck at 9 percent. Obama keeps blaming others for his failed economic policies.

Obama’s poll numbers are at a low 40’s.
Only 20 % of Americans believe that America is on the right track.

Obama has lost the independent vote and young voters have deserted him.

His state of the Union address was seen as dividing the nation into rich vs poor.

Blacks live in areas with the highest unemployment rates. Black voters turnout will be low this election.

Republicans have finally gotten their act together to defeat Obama.

ObamaCare is unpopular.

Occupy Wall Street have failed.

Social Media now has a negative image of Obama

His presidency is collapsing. Some are speculating on his mental health. He seems to be isolating himself and is trapped in a collapsing presidency.
Original Post