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Reply to "Reasons Obama will not win the Presidency."

Originally posted by Henry:
Originally posted by yuji22:
Wars in America have generally in the past been able to create jobs and jumpstart a dead economy.
There's a lot more to it than that. Just take a look at some of Kissinger's comments -- classic Geopolitics. Wars are started to manipulate the world strategic situation to the disadvantage of one's competitors.

Originally posted by yuji22:
I do see a war happening if the Republicans win.
And you don't see one with Obama? Please.

Henry, I am just engaging everyone in this important debate. It is unrealistic for Obama to start a war. He will not get the support that he needs.

Obama is like a sitting duck president. Unless he pulls of one of the biggest voodoo jobs and America re-elects him.

This is highly unlikely since Republicans have finally waken up their base and the Democrats are in a very bad shape.

Al, is always right. Read his post.