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Reply to "Red Carpet welcome for Venezuela’s President today"

Speaking at the opening of the meeting, leader of the Venezuelan delegation Vice President of the state oil company PDVSA Asdrubal Chavez said that the cooperation between Venezuela and Guyana, which has strengthened with time, is something that late Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez created as an organ of integration for the Caribbean and Central America.

“It has touched us in this region undoubtedly and we have had very significant success that has carried us,” Chavez, a cousin of the late president said. “In addition to PetroCaribe we have cooperation in agriculture, health, transport and education. We believe that this mechanism of PetroCaribe can complete a function that is very fundamental in what is the construction of the cooperation of our two countries,” he said.

He added that the relationship is an open and frank one which does not require actions that go against a country’s sovereignty “and this is how our Supreme Commander (the late President) dreamt of it.”


