Latin America has some real dumbasses for presidents nowadays. Two prime examples right here. A Gimpex store clerk and a bus driver. Add to that Bouterse the drug dealer in Suriname and all the other Commie Clowns parading as presidents.
And poor you cleaning Toilets!!!
Dude, I have a career. You are forced to pretend on GNI that you're a professor while you're just filling out financial aid forms at Lagu Bagu university.
A dalit like you should be the last person to mention toilets. If the British didn't drag your ancestors to South America, you'd be a sewer diver in India today. You should be thanking America too for introducing you to using a toilet. Before migrating to the Richmond Hill slums, you were taking shits by the roadside in Hubu Backdam and on good days you had the privilege of using your neighbor's smelly outhouse.
Which university he works for? This is juicy information. LOL!
Al YUh two remember when Al YUh see a Toilet Bowl for the first time(% years ago) Al yuh throw Al Yuh Dhal and Rice in it and start mixing.
Unlike you I did not grow up taking shits by the roadside and wiping with leaves.
Mon Repos STINK Trench was named after you cause of your daily crapping there. Yuh also expose yuh Batty to the Boys.
Stupid Man, I never visited Mon Repos in my life. You pretending that I am someone else on this forum will not make me be that person. Even the admin who knows me, has told you time and again that I am not the same person as Stinger but being such a delusional jackass, you can't see further than your nose.
You seem to be obsessed with men exposing their buttocks. Homie don't play that game. I leave that for homos like you and your buddy Gay Pooran. Did you two fall down drunk last night on Liberty Avenue and wake up holding hands like you normally do?