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Archbishop of Toronto offers explanations why Catholic Church hasn’t apologized for residential school victims

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The Archbishop of Toronto has offered a prepared explanation as to why the Catholic Church hasn’t apologized for its role in the abuse suffered by Indigenous children in residential schools. He did so after announcing he’d be hosting a mass this Sunday in honour of the victims.

Cardinal Thomas Collins announced the mass on Thursday, in response to the discovery of the remains of 215 Indigenous children at a former residential school site in British Columbia.

The facility ran from 1890 to 1969, before operations were transferred from the Catholic Church to the federal government. At its peak, as many as 500 students were registered.

In 2018, Pope Francis refused to issue an apology for residential schools after Justin Trudeau personally asked him to do so the year before.

When asked by the Star if the Prime Minister will again ask the Pope to apologize, Trudeau’s office offered no comment on Thursday.

The Star sought an interview with Collins so it could ask if he and his fellow archbishops in Canada were asking the Pope to apologize for the church’s role in the abuse, and whether words were sufficient or if compensation should follow.

The Star was sent a document of prepared answers by the Archdiocese of Toronto which seek to explain why there’s been no apology for the abuse at residential schools run by Catholic dioceses.

The Archdiocese says there’s no such thing as one entity of the Catholic Church of Canada. The church is split into dioceses.

“Approximately 16 out of 70 Roman Catholic dioceses in Canada were associated with the former residential schools,” the document read.

“Each diocese and institute is corporately and legally responsible for its own actions.”

The Archdiocese of Toronto added that the Pope has been asked to apologize on Canadian soil by multiple Canadian bishops under Call to Action #58 made by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in 2015.

The Archdiocese suggests a reason for this is this must be done in person and it takes time to arrange for the Pope to visit.

“A formal papal visit involves a number of steps from both government and church leadership as well as significant logistical, financial commitments,” the document read.

On Friday, Trudeau addressed the issue, asking the Catholic Church to “step up” and take responsibility for its role in residential schools.

“As a Catholic, I am deeply disappointed in the position the Church has taken over the last many years,” Trudeau said.

He added that a formal apology along with releasing records of the schools, is “something we are all waiting on the Catholic Church to do.”

During a Wednesday news conference, Marc Miller, Minister of Indigenous Services and Carolyn Bennett, Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations, stressed how important it is that the Pope apologizes for the abuse of residential school victims on behalf of the Catholic Church.

“I think it is shameful that they haven’t done it, that it hasn’t been done to date. Certainly, my Catholic friends that I speak to believe it should be done,” said Miller.

“There is a responsibility that lies squarely on the shoulders of the council of bishops in Canada,” he added.

On Thursday, Cardinal Collins issued a statement acknowledging the role the Church had in residential schools, saying:

“We must … recognize the betrayal of trust by many Catholic leaders ... abandoning their obligation to care for young and innocent children.”

“These actions do not erase our history; they acknowledge our past, force us to face the consequences of our behaviour and compel us to ensure that our sins are not repeated,” Collins added.

The Star attempted to reach Perry Bellegarde, the National Chief of Assembly of First Nations, to ask him whether words of apology are enough to move toward reconciling with the Church, but Bellegarde did not respond in time for publication.

On Friday, Collins asked parishes within the Archdiocese of Toronto to fly their flags at half-mast, to read his statement during masses and to have a moment of silence for residential school victims during this Sunday’s mass.

Breanna Xavier-Carter
Breanna Xavier-Carter is a breaking news reporter, working out of the Star’s radio room in Toronto. Reach her via email: