* Back in 2011 thousands of PPP East Indians supporters, particularly those in Berbice, were daunted, downcast and dispirited. Many felt the PPP took them for granted.
* Moses and the AFC were able to capitalize on the discouragement of the PPP East Indians voters in Berbice.
* Today, 3 years later, there has been a complete metamorphosis in the mindset of the PPP East Indian supporters. As Guyana heads to the election on May 11th, these folks are motivated, inspired and excited to re-elect the PPP.
* By the way folks, In any election where both the supporters of the PPP and PNC are fired up to vote, the results will always favor the PPP.
* It's a done deal----50+1% of the Guyanese electorate will enjoy the thrill of victory when the PPP wins, while 50-1% of the electorate(PNC supporters) will suffer from the agony of defeat.
The only Metamorphosis that has taken place is that space between your ears.
If you think that all the indian population of berbice that are being victimized constantly by the PPP will all of a sudden roll over and vote PPP you have to be kidding yourselves.
Guyanese voters will tell you what they think you want to hear. Lets see what happens on election day charlie. Lets see what happens on election day.